CoRep, Derivatives & Pillar 3 Reporting
About This Project
CoRep, Derivatives & Pillar 3 Reporting for an international Bank
Project Scope:
- Replacement and redesign of the derivative reporting process for Risk Reports, OTC Derivative Statistics (BIS) including CDS Reporting and Recovery and Resolution Plans (RRP)
- Further development and adaptation of the COREP report in accordance with the regulatory changes and the requirements of the Group holding company
- Assistance in preparing the disclosure report (Pillar 3)
- Second Level Control with regard to the credit risk reports of subsidiaries
- Report of the market risk for the banking group to supervision and group holding
Project Results:
- Successful implementation of a new, largely automated derivative reporting process, the operational risk of creation was greatly reduced by automated database queries and data aggregation, the cost of creating the appropriate reports by a factor of 5 reduced
- Delivery of a correct COREP message based on current requirements to the supervisor and the holding within the given deadlines
- Determination, comparison and processing of credit risk and market risk figures
Customer Value:
- As part of the derivatives reporting, the data source was converted to a new technical platform so that the previous data source can be “switched off”
- The redesign meant a significant reduction in the effort required to create derivative portfolios for the client. Especially in time-critical periods in the context of semi-annual and annual financial statements, this means additional free resources for other theses
- The error-prone nature of various reports has been reduced by automation processes that were previously time-consuming manual
Reporting & Supervision