In spite, the implementation of the Basel II requirements have not been finished, these rules and regulations have been revised by the G20 leaders due to the financial and later the Euro crisis in the agreement of “Enhancements to the Basel II Framework” (Basel 2,5). But also the upcoming advancements of the Basel III framework will influence the institutions in their process-related cycles as well in their regulatory reporting obligations.
This development shows clearly how fast regulatory requirements have been intensified for each institution, especially in recent years. It can not be assumed that the prudential pressure will mitigate as the financial system will gain more complexity because of increasing international interdependences.
Among the banking industry the insurance companies are more and more influenced by regulatory attention as well. The prudential requirements, which arise from the Solvency II framework, have extensive consequences for diverse departments in an insurance company.
In order to assess the impact of new regulatory requirements and the significant regulatory chances on your institution correctly, a detailed analysis in different fields of a bank or an insurance company is required. Furthermore, the procedural and systematic implementation of these legal requirements challenge modern financial institutes.
External expertise may be of particular value to achieve optimal capital allocation for your institute in compliance with the regulatory constraints.
We analyze the impact of recent changes in regulatory reporting on your institute and show relevant fields of action. We support you in implementing the new regulatory requirements of the Banking Act, MaRisk and MaRisk VA, Solvency Regulation, GroMiKV and Liquidity Directive – from the mathematical and technical aspects (e.g. Pillar I) to the qualitative and organizational issues (e.g. Pillars II and III). We know the business requirements and have the technical measures for adjusting your regulatory capital requirement. Furthermore, we support you in implementing, adapting and optimizing the necessary IT infrastructure.
With our expertise in complex financial transactions and derivative financial products you benefit from our special know how of implementing the regulatory requirements for such products and transactions.